

Will is an avid expedition and landscape photographer with a specialism in remote and harsh environments. Will is available for expedition and landscape photography commissions, 360º industry photography and photography based guided trips.

All images on this site are available for prints as well as digital/media licensing upon request.


 S C O T T I S H   W I N T E R

Documenting the harsh beauty of Scottish mountain landscapes during the season where light is short and changeable. Images collected through hundreds of days in the mountains across numerous expeditions.

S C O T T I S H   C O A S T  &  W A T E R S

Celebrating the wild coastline, rivers and lochs of Scotland. A project taken through several long and short expedition journeys reaching remote areas of Scotland by kayak and canoe.

W I L D     P A T A G O N I A

Landscape photos taken across the extreme wilderness of Chilean and Argentine Patagonia. Highlights of expedition trips across three seasons working and living around Torres Del Paine and Bernardo O’Higgins national park.

W I L D     I C E L A N D

Landscape images from an expedition to cross Iceland on foot from its southernmost to northernmost points.

F I G U R E S   I N   F R A M E

A collection of images with a subject amidst the landscape to portray the scale and conditions of expedition photography. Images from Scotland, Patagonia, Iceland, Norway and the USA.

B O W   S H O T S

From the perspective of a sport I love best, the kayak.